Visit our adoption center at Petco, Union Square, 44 Union Square, New York, NY 10003

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Domestic Short Hair
White and Grey
1 year 6 months.
Bowie is an adorable, happy, loving cat! This gorgeous mostly white cat was hanging around a school, greeting all the kids when they arrived in the mornings. Someone was leaving plates of dry food out for him in the adjacent alley, where he would stay when not hanging around with the kids. Bowie has proven to be a total love panther in foster. Since he's recovered from his neuter and out of his cone he has started hanging out with the other foster cats in his rescuer's home. He loves to play and chase the willing ones and is a calm enough presence not to get into any fights with any of the others (usually). He would do fine, likely, with another cat, though it would depend on the personality so a trial is recommended. Bowie is totally affectionate with humans and follows people around, chatting away and looking for a chance to sit on a lap for snuggles. That said, he is mellow enough to give people space when they're busy busy. He is grateful for whatever time he can share and greets people with excited kisses and cuddles when the opportunity comes. Bowie can be occasionally quite vocal but only when he's upset or not getting his way. Initially I had him in a big cage while awaiting his testing and vaccinations and he would howl loudly at the forced separation. He still gets loud but only on occasion like when he has to be shut in another room to eat (so he doesn't gobble everyone else's food), but then quickly calms and quiets. Bowie is FIV and FeLV negative, neutered, and up to date on shots. Email [email protected] to apply!