[email protected]
Rabbit: Courtesy Post
Domestic Short Hair
White and Grey
6 years 0 months.
Rabbit is a pretty little thing who used to come by her rescuer's backyard in Brooklyn. She would keep her distance but was happy to be fed, especially during snowstorms. After a couple years it was clear to me she was largely dependent on her rescuer for food and so when I ended up leaving the neighborhood, after searching for any sign that she had others helping to care for her, he realized he needed to take her with him to assure her wellbeing. After some dental work my new vet assures him that Rabbit is not feral, just extremely shy. I can attest to that. Though she remains wary of people she has become good buddies with my other more social cats. She is slowly building confidence through the months she has been at home. While she may never be a lapcat she has grown increasingly affectionate in her own ways. She will tolerate and even enjoy when sitting next to people being gently petted - and even starts to purr when she is feeling especially comfortable. She’s also impatient at meals and has started rubbing against people's legs in anticipation of food. She is also very gentle. At the most there will be a hiss if startled or she gets overwhelmed pets and even then she is most likely to bolt for the safety of a corner while she calms. She is in fact a very calm, contemplative cat in general. A sweet thing who eventually no doubt will be as affectionate as any cat who grew up with people, but it will take some time. We think if she was in a home with just one or two cats she will bond even faster. We believe she will blossom at the right home with a patient, experienced owner looking for a companion for another cat and willing to take on a cat who is socially challenged. Rabbit is FIV and FeLV negative, spayed, and up-to-date on shots. Email [email protected] to apply!